No Retreat V – Application Accepted!

1,5 years into this hobby, and my first application, and I got accepted! The hype has already started and can’t wait to go to Gibraltar and truly enjoy true high level painted gaming with some of the greatest people out there.


400pts in 40min local tournament

Attended the local miniature gaming club’s 400pts in 40min tournament today. Over 20 players joined today and I had 6 really good games with lots of nail biting dice rolling. The rules were quite modified to fit small size armies and no formations and house rules restrictions were in play. Finished with 2 wins, 2 draws (both time tabled the opponent but failed to reach mission objective), 2 losses. Could have done better with more aggressive play!

My list was:

100pts – Dreadnought: Power Fist w/ storm bolter, Multi-melta

105pts – Tactical Squad 5man: 1x Grav Cannon

85pts – Tactical Squad 5man: 1x Melta gun, Sgt with Melta bomb (Warlord)

35pts – Rhino

75pts – Razorback w/ Twin-linked Assault Cannon

Ultramarines (Gladius) vs Tau – 1850pts

Two straight losses against Tau… Riptides and Stormsurge completely eats my Razorbacks up. Starting to think that 7 razorbacks and 3 pods should have been 5 razorbacks and 5 pods. The pressure that pods create in the back lines is hard to compete with, but I would loose a lot of firepower. In this duel though my razorbacks melted away and left was foot slogging 24″-grav cannons. It just did not work out. I could keep up with the scoring initially, but the losses each turn was too grave without seriously inflicting anything on the Tau.

However, I learned a lot regarding positioning. There are better ways to create cover for the transports. But in the end, first round to Tau will hurt either way.



Hobby supplies

Have to give a shout out to SnM Stuff. I get almost all my supplies here, despite having brick and mortar hobby shops around where I live in Sweden, I still buy from these guys in the UK. SnM Stuff have such a wide selection, and shipping is quick and affordable. Lately I have been stocking up on weathering supplies, and they have all the fun little supplies I’ve been wanting to try out.


Looking forward to my new purchase. Will try Heavy chipping from AK Interactive. Instead of just the normal sponge dabbing, I want a bigger variation of the under colors. I hope I can get this with airbrushing and Heavy chipping!
